| The white/colorless flesh is a great source of calcium. I like the way that it easily breaks into six-sided pieces. Fun fact: the COCONUT is Indiana's most abundant fruit. |
 | We'd rate BEAN SPROUTS a solid 8.5 out of 10. With a surprising milk and honey taste, these veggies range from yellow to brown. |
 | LONGAN is imported from Chile. Eating it regularly helps your body form healthy blood cells. When freshly cut, it is pinkish-orange in color. |
 | Although usually a FAVA BEAN is colorless, it can come in all different colors -- purple, golden-yellow, and even green or pink! To add to the fun, it glows when placed under UV light and lends its name to such a phenomenon. |
 | CHERRIES will definitely leave some dark stains on your paper napkins. You'll often find them on schoolchildren's desks. |
 | A lot of folks think GARLIC feels too chalky, but it's ranked #2 on our scale. The best cloves are alabaster white on the inside. |
 | CARROT is best diced into large cubes. Note that this common veggie already contains some sodium -- so be careful about adding even more. |
 | As the reddish streak might indicate, RUTABAGA is a great source of iron in your diet. It grows on a vine like bunches of grapes. |
 | We never get tired of the vibrant green hues on the crown of a PINEAPPLE. Some even think it helps children sleep by keeping evil spirits at bay. |
 | I love how CHICKPEAS, whose name comes from a type of glass, can be split into highly elastic sheets -- great for making wraps with. |
 | We always love the jade-green hues of ZUCCHINI. Other grocers tend to carry lighter varieties and charge way more for them, but we like the darker and slightly tougher varieties. You can even carve intricate decorations out of it! |
 | OKRA is possibly one of the most beautiful foods around. We especially love the fire varieties. It's always imported from Australia. |
 | Come and get this MUSHROOM while you can -- due to supply chain issues, this dense, silver-white veggie can be rarer than gold! |
 | Only a fool would turn down a golden TURNIP. Its name comes from the Greek word for "fire." |
 | We always love the sixfold symmetry of the flesh -- it just looks nice. Usually POTATO flesh is colorless, almost glassy, but it can also look milky, or more rarely, deep purple or smoky orange. The peel is quite thick though -- your average blade won't cut it. |
 | Bright red-orange is what to go for here. Historically, folks would tear apart RHUBARB with their fingers and make a natural red dye. As always, though, too much of a good thing is dangerous -- it contains arsenic which could make you sick! |
 | Although we like to present it like grapes, do not confuse them! STARKRIMSON comes in lots of different colors: white, green, pink, even blue. It also has a soapy sheen, and oddly, my five year old likes to calls it "turkey fat"! |
 | We always love the green, yellow, or pink tinge of an ARTICHOKE. With triangular markings, the vegetable's taste truly transforms when roasted at high temperatures above 900 °C -- although it may end up burnt to ashes. |
 | CILANTRO leaves are quite sharp -- they kinda look like blades! This herb has been ground into a paste for usage as a medication and cosmetic since Ancient Egypt, and ingesting it has been said to help with better vision and hair growth. |
 | The outside might feel a bit soapy, but a DATE is ranked #1 on our scale! Secret tip: when it's finely ground and combined with some corn starch, it's great for babies. |
 | GEM SQUASH owes its color to trace amounts of iron -- otherwise, it'd be more blue. It's somewhat difficult to cut through the peel though, so make sure you have a solid knife. Eating it will bring good luck to anyone born in December. |