Ask A Ninja

In order to overcome life's obstacles, watch and learn from the competition. If you have a question for a specific ninja, you'll need to submit the ninja's name in the answer checker to see them in action.
Note: Transcripts are provided for convenience and there should be no difference between transcripts and the videos.
2014 City Finals
A puzzler asks a ninja: what is the best character to put on a beanie? (12)
That's a good question, puzzler. My favorite beanie has a bull on it. It's made out of spider silk; once you wear it you'll understand. It's comfortable enough to make any ninja love it instantly. But it also sticks to your hair.
2020 Qualifiers
A puzzler asks a ninja: what is the best word that starts with G and ends with R? (6)
That's a good question, puzzler. It has to be "godfather" because he was a total lunatic in the movies! A close second is "grasshopper" because it is the master of disguise.
2018 City Qualifiers
A puzzler asks a ninja: what is a ninja wife's favorite type of shirt? (4 3)
That's a good question, puzzler. My wife only wears Kingdom-brand shirts. Be careful not to let them get warped in the wash, though. Her ninja skills are better than mine, and she will not hesitate to retaliate.
2017 City Finals
A puzzler asks a ninja: who is your favorite female superhero? (11)
That's a good question, puzzler. Wonder Woman is by far my favorite. She has the coolest theme music. It sounds better than ninja metal! If I ever have any MacGuffin cubes to protect, she's my first choice.
2020 Finals
A puzzler asks a ninja: what is the most lit symbol to hang on the wall? (4)
That's a good question, puzzler. I like to hang a flex emoji on the wall to symbolize my strength. Today, I'm going to dash to the ninja mart store to buy another one!
2015 City Finals
A puzzler asks a ninja: who are your favorite animated characters? (7)
That's a good question, puzzler. I like any character named "The Beast," whether a Disney prince or mutant. Last week, I curled up into a helix on the sofa and watched a copy of X-Men that I rented from the ninja mart store!
2020 Finals
A puzzler asks a ninja: what is the coolest crazy hair color? (5)
That's a good question, puzzler. As long as it's also classy, I'll love it. But if your hairline is shrinking, you may want to buy some hair dye from the ninja mart store to dye it the same color as your skin.
2014 City Finals
A puzzler asks a ninja: what is your favorite defunct TV network? (7)
That's a good question, puzzler. My favorite network was the Weatherman's Channel. I used to watch it all the time while eating my favorite ninja grub, salmon.
2020 Finals
A puzzler asks a ninja: what is your favorite activist symbol? (6 4)
That's a good question, puzzler. My favorite symbol is the phoenix because it represents rising from the ashes. You know, I asked ninja Santa for a pet phoenix for Christmas! I heard they're flying off the shelves.
2018 City Finals
A puzzler asks a ninja: what is the best Mission Impossible movie? (7)
That's a good question, puzzler. My favorite Mission Impossible movie is Sparkly. Did you know Tom Cruise does his own stunts, like Jason Statham in Crank? Or Jackie Chan in the ninja mart store scene.